Top Reasons Why You Should Have A DDoS Mitigation Expert On Speed Dial

Top Reasons Why You Should Have A DDoS Mitigation Expert On Speed DialYour business needs a DDoS mitigation expert.

According to a recent study, DDoS attacks have increased 20 percent as of last quarter. This is an alarming number. We’ve seen an increase in attacks on sites year after year. Even as DDoS mitigation and security become more pressing issues for organizations, DDoS attacks have gotten smarter and more powerful.

A DDoS attack can land a crippling blow to a website. It not only adds up to lost revenue and added costs, but also damages brand reputation and causes customer support issues.

The Motive For DDoS Is Constantly Changing

When DDoS attacks first began making headlines most of the large-scale attacks were politically motivated, borne out of activism. Later, criminals flocked to using DDoS for extortion.

The attention to DDoS also opened it up to other uses: DDoS was being used to divert attention away from fraud and security breaches. What we are seeing is a growing interest in distributed denial of service, and with it a host of new problems: DDoS-for-hire services, shady businesses targeting competitors, and massive botnets disrupting internet access.

Common motives for launching DDOS:

  • Political activism
  • Fraud and extortion
  • DDoS as a service

How DDoS Disrupts Companies of All Sizes

It’s hard to miss the headlines when you read about government websites or large corporations being taken offline by hackers. The sad truth is that these attacks are sensationalized — they steal the headlines and mask the real problems.

The main issue for SMBs is the cost to defend attacks. A DDoS attack appliance can cost as much as a $100,000, while even a small DDoS protection company has to maintain servers around the world to mitigate attacks and absorb bandwidth.

The people that get it the worse are small businesses. The cost of protection can climb quickly as attack strength increases. Smaller websites that are faced with complex DDoS attacks often must patiently wait for the attacker to stop.

Why You Should Get To Know A DDoS Mitigation Expert

1) You’ll have an expert assessment of the DDoS attacks you are experiencing.

2) In the event your website is attacked, you’ll have someone ready to help.

3) An expert can devise a strategy that will work the best for your business and budget.

4) A DDoS mitigation expert can help you get connect with your ISP and upstream providers.